Durable Lanosoft Woolcare

Durable Lanosoft Woolcare is a natural wool detergent with lanolin.Durable Lanosoft Woolcare not only ensures that your clothing becomes clean but also adds lanolin back to the wool, keeping your clothing in beautiful shape and soft. Durable Lanosoft Woolcare is exceptionally economical to use. Only 5 ml is needed for handwashing, or 15 ml for 2.5 kg of dry laundry. Furthermore, there's no need to rinse the laundry.
Durable Lanosoft Woolcare Unscented is NCP certified by ECO-Control according to the latest guidelines of Nature Care Product Standards.


The following variants are available

Durable Lanosoft wool detergent unscented

Durable Lanosoft wool detergent organic Lavender scent

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